As I was putting away...
As I was putting away our Christmas decorations tonight, I had NBC Nightly News on in the background. So glad I did because I got to hear a feel good story about Collette again. If you don’t know who Collette is, she’s a young woman in Boston that owns her own bakery, and she happens to have Down syndrome. ❤️
I featured Collette back in 2017 on @outshinelabels and it’s just so wonderful to see her 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 getting attention for the amazingness that she is! Collette had some great advice for us too: “Do not focus on your disabilities. You need to focus on your abilities. Always, always be who you are.” - Collette Divitto from @colletteyscookies
Thank you for leading the way and paving a future for those with (dis)abilities, Collette! You are so inspiring to all of us! ❤️ To order homemade cookies and dog treats made my Collette and her staff of 17+, head to @colletteyscookies - and yes, they ship! ❤️🍪