"The day I found out I am pregnant, I accepted her already with all my heart unconditionally."

"The day I found out I am pregnant, I accepted her already with all my heart unconditionally."

This beautiful girl is Riley. She beat the odds & became the 2% that survive with her condition.

"It was at my 12th week scan when all of this started. I went to my OB for my scheduled screening, I was very excited; always was.

The day of excitement turned out to be my worst nightmare. What could be more heartbreaking than being told something was wrong with your baby? It was so heartbreaking that I did not know what to do. And nothing was sinking in to me. I just wanted to be told she's gonna be fine. I cried and cried that day, and the days, weeks, months after that.

Riley had a large Nuchal Translucency measurement, which was not normal. My OB told me it could be a genetic problem so we had to go through more screenings and blood work. None of the results were telling us what Riley could possibly have so we opted for an amniocentesis at 16 weeks. At 20 weeks we found out she has Classic Turner Syndrome. I started researching about it, and found out if she makes it out of my womb alive, she is my miracle as only 2% of babies with TS survive, others end in miscarriages.

My doctor talked to me and told me if I'm considering of terminating my pregnancy, I didn't know what to say. In my heart I wanted her, but my mind is telling me not to make her suffer. They told me all the worst possibilities, and she might not survive and I kept telling myself that she's gonna be fine, I kept telling my doctor and husband I want to know how she's doing. And all the while she kept on kicking and moving, like she's telling me "I'm here Mama. I'm strong Mama." .

After the diagnosis we went through close monitoring. I had to come every two weeks for my doctors to check her organs and if she's developing well, and God answered my prayers because she was a strong tiny girl. Her large NT measurements had reduced to normal measurements and her heart looked good for a TS Baby. I told the doctor I see no reason why I should not give her a chance at life, she is fighting for it, I don't want to give up her only chance.

And even if she's gonna come out with a lot of challenges, I am here. That's why I am her mother. The day I found out I am pregnant, I accepted her already with all my heart unconditionally.

At 24 weeks I started enjoying my pregnancy. I was not as stressed and depressed as I was before. Yes, people didn't know it, but I was always crying. I still had a lot of worries, but heck, she was fighting to be with me. And that's all that mattered. Riley was born at 35 weeks; the rest is history."

Follow @rileyrocket.dloski to learn more about her condition & birth story. ❤️

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