Meet Stella. This little...
Meet Stella. This little girl wasn’t diagnosed with Williams Syndrome, until she was 5 years old. At her parent teacher conference the teacher commented that: "Stella reminds me of a little girl I used to teach who had Williams Syndrome." After the meeting in the school’s parking lot, her parents googled Williams Syndrome and their mystery was solved.
Stella’s mom Jen has always been a huge supporter of Outshine Labels, so of course I had to create her a store!Never the Less is the design they chose, and this write-up by Jen perfectly describes it:
“The affirmation Never The Less was created out of a two-year journey of a working mama battling the stigma of being a career woman in a male-dominated industry, as she was simultaneously thrust into the world of disability when her daughter was diagnosed with a rare genetic condition at age 5.
Never The Less is a mantra about self-empowerment. About persevering when life gets hard, and you want to throw in the towel. About consciously viewing yourself not as less, but as a person shattering the ceilings that exist in your communities. Gender. Ability. Race. Preferences. It is about claiming your space and showing up as someone deserving.
Never The Less…You must persist.
Never The Less… Your story matters.
Never The Less… You are not less than.
Never The Less… You are more.” - @jenkeeton
Stella and Jen will receive 60% of the profits anytime their design sells. And they’re donating all of their profits to Best Buddies International! How awesome is that?!? Shop their new store @outshinelabels for yourself, or the loved ones on your holiday list today!