“The other day I made...
“The other day I made a random comment to Lilly’s daddy like “solamente uno” and suddenly heard Lilly say in the background “dos, tres”. I think my ears perked up like Indy at treat time - Ummm, did my kid just speak Spanish? So I wrote the numbers 1-10 on a chalkboard and tested out her knowledge. As usual, Lilly rocked it! We are not a bilingual family, so I don’t know if I have Dora or Sesame Street to thank for this awesomeness, but I am blown away (as always) by the brilliance that Lillybug demonstrates on a daily basis!
Can’t wait to see what other amazing words she knows (and how many languages).
¡Lilly, eres increíble! 💜” - @afriendforlillybug
¡Buen trabajo Lilly! Estoy bastante seguro de que eres un GENIO. 💡 (Great job Lilly! I’m pretty sure you’re a GENIUS!) 💖
Don’t forget to shop Lilly’s Store on Outshine Labels! Lilly’s family receives 60% of the profits and is using the money raised to purchase AAC devices for families in need 💕 Shop @outshinelabels link in profile.