Today was supposed to be...
Today was supposed to be another fun family store launch and reveal, but due to a tragedy within the 22q deletion community, we are canceling at this time. If you pray, please pray for these adorable twins, Lainey & Levi. I can’t release specifics, but the next 24 hours for their healthy lives is critical for their recovery. Please pray specifically that the swelling stops in their brains and that Levi’s seizures stop as well. Please pray for a miracle that these sweet babies, in all of their glory go home with their parents and siblings. Thank you so much and I will update this post as I learn more. ❤️🙏🏼
#prayersneeded #prayerwarrior #prayerworks #prayforamiracle #miracleshappen #pray #prayersforhealing #prayerispowerful #prayeroftheday #prayforlainey #prayforlevi #prayforlaineyandlevi #prayforleviandlainey #22q #22q11deletionsyndrome #digeorgesyndrome